Cappelletti Aperitivo Americano Rosso is a distinguished Italian aperitif that brings a touch of tradition and elegance to any occasion. Produced by the Antica Erboristeria Cappelletti, a family owned distillery since 1909, this aperitivo is crafted in the Alto Adige region of Italy. It features a wine base made primarily from Trebbiano grapes, infused with bitter herbs, citrus, and spices. The result is a vibrant, ruby red liqueur that balances sweetness and bitterness perfectly. Unlike many commercial aperitifs, Cappelletti uses natural carmine for its color, ensuring an authentic and rich appearance. Cappelletti aperitivo can be enjoyed neatly over ice or as a key ingredient in classic cocktails like the Negroni or Americano. Its unique flavor profile and artisanal production make Cappelletti Aperitivo Americano Rosso a standout choice for those seeking a high quality, traditional Italian aperitif. It has 17% alcohol by volume (ABV). The palate is generous, providing a slight bitterness from citrus peel notes. It is a beautiful mixer for cocktails.